inserting & removing cirds
Firstly, what is a CIDR?
A CIDR is a Controlled Internal Drug Release devise. Usually pronounced “cedar,” the device is coated with silicon that contains the hormone progesterone. The progesterone is absorbed through the animals bloodstream at a controlled rate and acts as a substitute Corpus luteum (the mass of cells that form on an ovary that temporarily appears to produce progesterone in the fertility cycle, and disappears if fertilisation does not occur).
The T shaped device has foldable wings for easy insertion that open once in position in the animal to keep securely in desired position. Attached to the end of the devise is it’s “tail”; a thin piece of nylon attached to the device which remains outside the animal so the CIDR can easily be removed at the appropriate time.
Inserting CIDRS...
We can come and insert CIDRs for you or you can insert them yourself. You will need a CIDR applicator and the CIDRs. Inserting CIDRs can be a little tricky if you are unfamiliar with the process but after you have done a few it becomes relatively straightforward.
It is however extremely important to ensure the animals you are putting the CIDRs in are empty (not in calf). The hormones given during the AI process will cause abortion so this MUST be established before commencing the program.
Please see the attached video for a detailed overview of CIDR handling and insertion.
Video by Dr. Jordan Thomas, Beef Reproduction Extension Specialist from the University of Missouri’s Division of Animal Sciences in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
– Always wear gloves when handling CIDRs (or any of the drugs involved with AI programs) as progesterone can be absorbed through the skin.
– CIDR applicator should be washed thoroughly after each use to ensure it is completely clean before a new CIDR is inserted.
– Faeces should be cleaned from the entrance to the vulva before inserting the CIDR, all care should be taken to limit any contaminants entering the reproductive tracts of the animal.
CIDR Removal
We usually leave this job to our clients. As can be seen this video clip, the protruding tail of the CIDR is gently pulled on and the CIDR easily slides out.
Be aware the tails can “hide” inside the vulva. If the tail is not obvious part the lips of the vulva and have a good look to see if there are any signs of the blue tail.
CIDRs can occasionally come out, cows have been know to pull them out of other cows or rub them out. This is unusual but not unheard of so keep an eye on your cattle when they are in an AI program.
Re-using CIDRs
After a CIDR has been inserted into a cow or heifer for 7 days it will still contain residual progesterone and therefore can be cleaned and reinserted into another cow for a second use. However, the manufacturers often DO NOT recommend reuse of CIDR devices stating they are designed for one-time use due to fears of bacterial contamination.
Multiple studies have been conducted into the success rate of using CIDRs for a second time and they have been proven to be successful. Nevertheless there are still potential risks to using CIDRs for a second time and each producer must weigh these up and make their own decision – we take no responsibility for these actions and follow the guideline set by manufactures.